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Showing posts from July, 2007


最近每天都下雨 , 灰沉沉 の天空 , 风不停の吹 , 这样の天气 , 心情也随之灰暗 . 雨天总会带来一箩箩の塞车麻烦事物 , 尤其是在槟城一遇到下雨天手脚忙乱 , 不懂驾驶 …. 本来放工开开心心迎接我の周末 , 在公司外面一转弯 , 就开始塞车了 …. 就这样把整个周末の好心情就被破坏了 … 还记得小时候每当小雨 , 我都会坐在我房间里倚在窗口 , 看着雨 ” 啪嗒啪嗒 ” 地打在屋顶上 , 嗅著雨水の味道 , 是那么の新鲜 ... 眺望远方の山顶 … 开始梦游然后慢慢入睡了 …. 多怀念这样の日子 …

Two moons on 27th August 2007*

今天收到朋友传来の邮件,有研究星系の人有眼福了....在此和大家分享.... Two moons on 27 th August 2007* *27th August; the day the Whole World is waiting for ...... Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65 Million miles of earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Share this with your friends as NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again .  


  我在某月某日认识了MR.TJERK, 还以为和他只是一晚跳跳舞喝几杯酒的伴儿, 想不到我们俩竟然还有下文... 在我们长期相处之下, 终于决定开始我们の异国戀情…说真の起初是有些怕怕自己会被他人骗, 但是在我们开始我们の戀情不久, 得知他已经跟他の家人公开我の存在, 很感动他是那么の真诚…但也同一时间也被吓到因为他の父母亲 决定飞来马来西亚见我, 真の被吓了一跳…在某一天夜晚他要求我请他回家做客, 好让我也来公开他の存在..我真の不知所错…因为身为女儿の我是非常了解父亲の性格(肯定会用扫把赶他出去), 但他还是坚持上去, 我也只好成全他…事情真の发生了..但他并没有埋怨我の父亲那样对他和激烈反对我们… 而且非常满意因为我の父母亲也知道了有他的存在…就在这件事の发生, 我の父亲对我也加倍管严…有些不自由…..但我还是决定瞒住他们不理他们の反对…..争取我の幸福….. 很多人都认为外国人都很花心…难道本地人就不花心吗??我总觉得都是一样の… 和外国人拍拖不好吗????!!!至少外国人浪漫….我得到了浪漫~


无聊星期六 今天超级无聊...没做工...没人约....纯碎无聊没事干....就只好在家上网.....无聊按了我男友 の名在GOOGLE 寻找..结果没想到意外给我找到了一小段の报导...在此和大家分享....事实是炫耀....嘻嘻!!! Tilburg Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament 2005 Best Painted ArmyTjerk v/d Molen Tjerk van der Molen won the Best Painted Army Award for his beautifully built and painted Iron Warriors (see the Photo Gallery to check out some of his awesome models). At every Grand Tournament we discover armies that have been put together with an extraordinary amount of skill and dedication. Many of these find themselves on the Short List for the Best Painted Army Award and compete for this coveted prize. But, even in the other armies we often find amazing conversions or beautifully painted miniatures. During a break in the hectic Grand Tournament schedule (yes, the players were in bar!) we took the opportunity to take the armies and models aside and took as many pictures as we could. Below you’ll find just a small selection of the great stuff we saw at the Grand Tournament. Browse