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Vietnam Hanoi, Sapa and Halong Bay trip June 08

4月刚从巴厘岛回来, 现在又打包行李往越南河内出发, 我们一班人都带着兴奋的心情从槟城机场出发到吉隆坡转机...
由于我们的飞机是早上五点多起飞, 我们就只好睡在LCCT的Mc Donald, 这真的要命...睡到腰都快断掉..没法啦...省钱嘛..

终于出发了, 在飞机上看日出..
我们抵达机场, 在回酒店的路途, 我们都有注意到每间屋子都是瘦瘦长长的, 问了导游才知道当地的地皮很贵, 所以当地人就只好买一小块地, 把自己的屋子建到又高又瘦...

第一站: Thap Pagoda Temple
越南女人都是賣一些蔬果為生..Kenny算算Lychee的价钱蛮便宜的, 就和她买了2kilo..让大家慢慢享受...

看到小孩爬到这么高, 吓到我!!

check-in 到Elizabeth Hotel Room.


walking around in hanoi


Day 2; 站在Temple of literature我和lily忍不住擺出螳螂拳的posh..無聊~-.-III


Hoan Kiem lake

Before Water Puppet Show start

Day3 9/6: Boi river
to visit Tam Coc – 3 wonderful limestone caves named Hang Ca, Hang Hai and Hang Ba

Melissa給了USD1, 就是為了騎著水牛拍照...

喜欢小孩的我, 在哪里都是想与他们合照作为纪念...把鸡蛋花送给这位小妹妹..看~是不是可爱多呢?

Phe nga....就是槟城的粿条汤, 我只能说:"ho ciak!!"

Day4 10/6: Arrive in Sapa
We take the night train to Lao Cai, the first shot in Sapa with Melissa after checking the excited to look around d^.^

take a rest @one of the coffee shop...
is so wonder this place is so famous for all the French ppl to holiday and relaxing....
 Sapa trecking


看到他们的孝心, 小小年纪出来帮忙父母都没有半点怨言...

也不懂越南这地方给我们什么药, 怎么我们俩的posh那麼奇怪...哈哈

当地人玩意不多, 可怜的小狗就被他们让上粉红色...看那狗用楚楚可怜的眼神在向我们求救, 只可惜我们真的束手无策...对不起哦~
wholesale market-大多数是二手货

沙坝位于越南最高峰Phansipang山脚下, 海拔1650米..

沙坝其实很冷, 我们在高山喝越南茶来取暖, 沙坝其实很冷, 我们在高山喝越南茶来取暖~

Group Photo

Silver Waterfall

visit Ming's house,
ming是我们在沙坝的司机, 我们就去他的家坐坐, 看到他年老的父亲, 他家里的一切东西, 都很简陋, 我只能感恩我现在所拥有的一切一切...


Day5 11/6: continue tracking to Lao Chai Village


Beatiful Sapa

Take night train back to Hanoi...

Halong Bay

Sung Sot cave (Amazing Cave)

We are the Champion..~

Yummy Dinner~今晚我们是吃海鲜餐

Morning breakfast time
在船上睡了一晚, 在早餐时间就听到了很多投诉, 很多小蟑螂, 半夜有人偷看他们睡觉, 还有....还好我的还OK~我和Felicia睡到很熟, 晚上窗口也是开的..都没事..可能我们bo tak keh 吧=P
其实在船上真的没什么东西做, 当时外面又下着微微的小雨, 和Melissa拍了几站照就滚回下面避雨了...

Last day13/6: 身上还有不少當地钱当然就是去shopping!!買~買~~女人的天賦

Dinner @ local store
越南小吃很多, 但是我发现到他们的食物都是蛮清淡的...这也难怪当地的女海身材那么苗条啦...回Pg的时候就要好好控制自己..这样就会有她们那一般的身材了...

Because of recently multiply not working well, all i upload previously i had to re-upload again. Ok...let turn to the topic=P
April i was busy to arrange for my Bali trip, so for this trip i totally no involvement for arranging the tour, have to thanks to Kelly Teoh she put so much effort on it. In my memory, Hanoi is just a normal place, but in the city, u can see their motor actually is more than auto...the way they drive like crazy, no RULES...scary~ 2nd is Sapa; i enjoy experience taking train from Hanoi to Sapa, Sapa is very beautiful rice terrace...beautiful landscape and scenario, i love it..At last is Halong Bay, it had been recognize as World Heritage site by UNESCO, it is nice and beautiful place, i enjoy kayaking there, is a long way to go..only me, felicia, melissa and daniel manage to kaya over there...lucky the next day my hand muscle no pain....Overall the trip i feel enjoying coz we had experience on air, road and sea in this trip ^.^

p/s: all profesional pics is took by Daniel and Melissa, thanks to them making wonderful and great pics..u can see some photo not that profesional obviously is not taking by them...i guess u guys know who is the photographer=P


Joo . said…
nice shot Kelly :D
Joo . said…
how much you paid ?
Joo . said…
wow lau,,,really big group :p..hehehe i see Kelly Toeh
Joo . said…
leng lui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joo . said…
very nice shot...
"姐姐,为什么你aim我那边?“ :p
kelly neoh said…
not me took one le..photographer: daniel
kelly neoh said…
i donno..i just paid nia...lily...reply to joo please=P
kelly neoh said…
thanks thanks...muaks~
kelly neoh said…
kelly neoh said…
thanks thanks..on behalf daniel to said that...^.^
florence ooi said…
wah... he is standing on the tree??
florence ooi said…
hotel seem ok wht...i also much??
florence ooi said…
;''' ( i suppose in this trip 1..
florence ooi said…
never know u 2 expert in 螳螂拳...
florence ooi said…
u look like local ppl there...kekeke
florence ooi said…
^_^ pretty mummy & cute daughter..
kelly neoh said…
haha..not me to take it...thanks yea....on behalf of daniel and melissa to say thanks....
kelly neoh said…
but u can't make it....never mind..share the photo for u now...=)
kelly neoh said…
kelly neoh said…
ya...actually i can be very good spy...i can be thai, vietnamese, myanmar, china, russian, singaporean,thaiwanese, japanese, balinese, far until like this nia...
kelly neoh said… daughter cute ho...^.^
florence ooi said…
hey hey...alot liao...enough... wht else u want..
kelly neoh said…
not 无名拳 is kellies 拳...
kelly neoh said…
oh ya..forgot..mongolian lecturer last time tot me is mongolian...coz 1 of his fren from mongolia look like me...haha
kelly neoh said…
when u climb finally saw a place to sit down feel like heaven....
Carol Queen said…
Andrew Lee said…
may i know who is the girl in black?
looks like Chong Ka Yan ler....
kelly neoh said…
kelly neoh said…
lulu..issit u miss out target this gal??=P
she is melissa, daniel gf...from agilent....
Carol Queen said…
大概要花多少钱?明年不知道有时间去吗。。。 唉。。。 时间紧闭!
kelly neoh said…
5days4night enough kua..
kelly neoh said…
yes...but only 1pair...^.^
kelly neoh said…
yalo...the dog look pity...the ppl there look happy....-.-II
Kelly Teoh said…
double standard USD$30,, not a budget tour bcos we have MsSelinna who r asking for Hotel, not motel... =P
河内普通...SAPA值得一去...河龙湾去一天够了<-- sounds familiar =P
nonit to thanks, next round u plan will do ^_^
tazzlyn GoH said…
kelly neoh said…
Albert Mah said…
oh... u are in Hanoi... pretty gals...:)
kelly neoh said…
hi albert...thanks yea^_^
Ming Han Niam said…
hey i just came back from those places, minus halong bay because there was a typhoon :( how's life in holan?
kelly neoh said…
no wonder long time didn't see come in was ur trip?? enjoy??
i come back from there d....
Emer Liew said…
哇。。。 很美!! 像画~~

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